Human Genetics - Cancer Genetics Laboratory

Referent: Prof. Natalia S. Pellegata, Dr. Rossella Tricarico
Co-workers: Prof. Guglielmina N. Ranzani (Adjunct Professor); Dr. Federico Manai (Post-doc); Dr. Federica Gentile (PhD student); Dr. Francesco Fedeli (PhD student); Dr. Francesco Ascione (PhD student); Dr. Margarita Bistika (research fellow).
The laboratory's research interests embrace various topics related to cancer biology and genetics, with a particular focus on endocrine cancers and cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, our projects aim to: clarify the molecular mechanisms (both genetic and epigenetic) that regulate development and progression of cancer; identify new specific therapeutic “targets” that can lead to a significant improvement in the prognosis of patients with aggressive disease (precision medicine); test the effectiveness of promising new single drugs, or drug combinations, against aggressive tumors. The laboratory exploits several clinically relevant experimental models of the various tumors of interest (eg 3D organoid of primary and consolidated tumor cells). The bioinformatic analysis of databases / datasets available on the pathologies of interest complement our experimental approaches, and guide the selection of the therapeutic targets to be studied.