Exam schedule
Within the boundaries of the Academic Calendar, the DBB has established the time windows within the exam sessions for the 2024-25 academic year take place, as reported below.
A.Y. 2024/25
Winter session: January 15th - February 28th, 2025
Summer session: June 15th - July 31st, 2025
Autumn session: September 1st - September 30th, 2025
Registration for exams takes place within the Reserved Area which each student can access through the University website, using their credentials (Username: tax code in capital letters; Password: personal password of the University services - Wi-Fi service, access to the PCs of the IT rooms).
Available exams can be consulted even without accessing the Reserved Area: UNIPV Appeals Board
Follow this step-by-step procedure to check the dates of the exams:
- Go to the page “Bacheca Appelli” of the University of Pavia (click here)
- Select the department (e.g. “Dipartimento”: Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie “LAZZARO SPALLANZANI”)
- Select the Study Course (“Corso di Studio”)
- Select the course (“Attività didattica”)
- Select the Professor (“Docente”)
- Click the button “Avvia Ricerca”
Note: It is not mandatory to select the date of the exam (“Data esame”).
For any information and answers on the most common registration problems (FAQ), see the University page dedicated to the topic:
Faq-exam registration
In case of problems, contact the Student Secretariat of the Science Area (former Faculty of Science MMFFNN). Via Ferrata 1 - 27100 Pavia (for appointments: link)
Tel. (Informastudenti) 0382-989898; Fax 0382 985951
E-mail: DIRECT LINE with the student secretariat
For problems registering in the Biological Sciences exam sessions, contact webmaster.biologia@unipv.it
For problems registering in the Biotecnology exam sessions, contact biotec@unipv.it
In e-mails, always indicate your matriculation number and the codes of the exams for which assistance is requested.
Do not contact professors for problems related to registration for exam sessions.
- Some exams require a compulsory non-verbalized written text followed by a verbalized final oral exam. In this case, you can only enroll for the written test which is found in the section of the menu called "Partial tests".
- Registrations for exams will be possible from the twentieth to the second day prior to the date of the exam. Students enrolled in the exam and who then do not intend to take it are asked to cancel their enrollment in time.