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Department Governing Bodies


Prof. Antonio Torroni
Tel. ++39 0382 98 5563 (Office)    ++39 0382 985531 (Directorate)

Vice Director:

Prof. Edda De Rossi
Tel. ++39 0382 98 5561


Proff. Antonio Torroni (Department Director - President), Edda De Rossi (vice-Director), Silvia Garagna (FP), Gianni Guidetti (AP), Paola Rossi (AP), Maria Vittoria Mancini (Resercher), Fabrizio De Luca (Resercher)

Representations on the Department Council:

  • Representatives of the administrative and technical staff: Dr. Alberto Azzalin, Dr. Barbara Balestra, Dr. Antonella Bontempi, Dr. Elena Tazzari
  • Representatives of PhD students: Dr. Carlo Croci, Dr. Enrico Pelloni
  • Representatives of research fellows and similar figures in accordance with art. 71 c. 1 letter d): Dr. Anselmo Canciani & Dr. Giovanni Stelitano
  • Student representatives (two-year period 2024-2026): Gabriele Crippa, Angelica De Palo, Andrea Alberto, Elisa Garraffa, Giulia Papandrea, Giulia Chiara Porta, Alice Raga, Alessandra Ravera, Michele Songini, Martina Traina.

Representative in the scientific technical committee of the University Orientation Center (C.OR.): Prof. Laurent Chiarelli

Didactic Council of Biological Sciences:

Presidente: Prof.ssa Elena Raimondi
Segreteria: Isabella Vai

Didactic Council of Biotechnological Sciences:

Presidente: Prof.ssa Claudia Binda
Segreteria: Antonella Bontempi

  • Equal Committee:

    It carries out monitoring activities of the educational offer, the quality of teaching and the service activity to students by teachers.
    Proff. Edda De Rossi (president), Sergio Comincini (secretary), Ludvik Gomulski, Francesco Lescai, Marco Peviani, Ornella Semino; Michele Sanbartolomeo (vice-president), Giulia Papandrea, Ines Haj Salah, Martina Traina, Michela Tulino.
  • Teachers Tutoring Committee:

    It is responsible for organizing and managing the tutoring activity plan, organized into individual projects, proposed by the Department.
    Proff. Ornella Semino, Laurent Chiarelli, mr. Gabriele Crippa, ms. Alessandra Ravera.
  • Resources and Research Committee:

    The Commission's primary task is to propose to the Department Council the departmental planning for the recruitment of PO, PA, RTT. It annually verifies the teaching and research needs and interfaces with the Director.
    Proff. Alma Balestrazzi, BIOS-02A (former BIO/04), Mariangela Bonizzoni, BIOS-03A (former BIO/05), Maurizio Zuccotti, BIOS-04A (former BIO/06), Gerardo Biella, BIOS-06A (former BIO/09), Mauro Torti, BIOS-07A e BIOS-10A (former BIO/10 and BIO/13), Federico Forneris, BIOS-08A (former BIO/11), Riccardo Brambilla, BIOS-11A (former BIO/14), Ornella Semino BIOS-14A (former BIO/18), Edda De Rossi, BIOS-15A e MVET-03B (former BIO/19 and VET/06)
  • Areas Committee:

    The Spaces Commission addresses, after an appropriate investigation phase, requests for laboratory or study spaces arising from new research needs and from the turnover of the Department staff, or from the growth of some research groups, with shared rules and criteria that take into account the University Regulations and the Resolutions of the Department Council.
    Proff. Maria Grazia Bottone, Ilaria Canobbio, Ornella Semino, Paolo Spaiardi
  • Equal Technical and Administrative Staff Committee:
    The Commission proposes to the interested personnel any new assignments and transfers - in agreement with the interested professors for research technicians - taking into account their CVs and their experiences. Moreover it expresses its opinion on the proposals that the Director makes to the Central Administration for the reinstatement of retired staff.
    Teaching members: Prof. Antonio (Director), Dr. Manuela Verri, Dr. Marta Zarà
    PTA members: Dr. Viola Grugni, Dr. Alberto Azzalin, Dr. Martina Barbagallo (Administrative Secretary)
  • Research Quality Assurance Committee (VQR and SUA-RD):

    The Committee deals with: a) checking that the research products of the Department's researchers (permanent and otherwise) are entered promptly and correctly into IRIS. To this end, the members of this committee not only solicit, but also provide "technical assistance" to individual researchers in order to avoid duplications, input errors, etc.; b) collecting the research results for an internal self-evaluation so that the "Research and Resources Committee" can identify and propose improvement actions to the Department Council; c) drawing up the planning and reporting documents for the DBB's research activities; d) identifying national and international funding opportunities and, at the same time, solicit the participation of those researchers who appear to possess the requirements and skills required by the identified calls.
    Prof. Maurizio Zuccotti, Dr. Michele Castelli, Dr. Elena Rita Tazzari
  • Department QA (Quality Assurance) Committee:

    The Committee ensures the connection between PQA (University Quality Assurance Office) and peripheral structures (Department, Degree Course, CPDS) and provides support and counseling in the field of QA of Teaching, Research and the Third Mission.
    Prof. Edda De Rossi (Vice-Director), Prof. Paola Rossi (DBB's Delegate in PQA), Prof. Ilaria Canobbio (DBB's TM Referent), Prof. Marco Peviani, Dr. Elena Tazzari.
  • Review Commission:

    The Commettee carries out the Review of the governance system and the Quality Assurance system of the Department.
Study Course Class Referent Review Group
Scienze Biologiche L-13 Olivieri Anna Proff. A. Olivieri, M. Torti, M.G. Bottone, I. Vai (PTA), Damiano Pistone (studente)
Biotecnologie L-2 Ubiali Daniela Proff. D. Ubiali, C. Binda, A. Bontempi (PTA),Giulia Papandrea (studente)
Biologia Sperimentale ed Applicata LM-6 Buroni Silvia Proff. S. Buroni, L. Chiarelli, I. Vai (PTA) e Michela Tulino (studente)


LM-6 Biella Gerardo Proff. G. Biella, M Peviani, I. Vai  (PTA), Matilda Pedrinazzi (studente)
Molecular Biology and Genetics LM-6 Forneris Federico Proff. F. Forneris, P. Iadarola, I. Vai (PTA) Daniele Frigerio (studente)
Biotecnologie Avanzate LM-8 Guidetti Gianni Proff. G. Guidetti, C. Binda, A. Bontempi (PTA), Martina Traina (studente)

Safety Officers (ALS):

Dott.ssa Viola Grugni,
Tel. +39 0382 98 5567

Dott.ssa Barbara Balestra,
Tel. +39 0382 98 6364

Dr Alberto Azzalin,
Tel. +39 0382 98 5532