International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Type: F/M
Deadline: March 31, September 30
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology promotes research for highly motivated scientists wishing to pursue research in a world-class scientific environment. The ICGEB is an autonomous, Intergovernmental Organisation, with biotech labs in Italy, India, and South Africa. Mobility rules apply.
- Arturo Falaschi Postdoctoral Fellowships
ICGEB offers competitive Postdoctoral Fellowships in Life Sciences to highly motivated scientists wishing to pursue postdoctoral research in a world-class scientific environment. The Fellowships comprise a very competitive package including stipend, health insurance and additional benefits. The most successful fellows will also be eligible, upon completion, to apply for ICGEB Early Career Research Grants to support their own research programmes as young PIs upon return to an ICGEB Member State.
Budget: 2 years with the possibility of a 1-year extension.
- Short Term Fellowships
ICGEB offers Short-term fellowships for pre-doc, PhD or Postdoctoral studies in ICGEB Component laboratories with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques and to strengthen capacity building.
Budget: up 9 months, depending on the programme.
- Arturo Falaschi PhD fellowship
ICGEB offers postgraduate studies with the aim of obtaining the “Doctor Philosophiae” (PhD) degree in the life sciences. Thanks to specific agreements, the title can be awarded through a number of academic institutions of international standing, which include The Open University (UK) and the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy, the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi and the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
Budget: 3 years PhD course with the possibility of 1-year extension.