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Vector Biology Laboratory

Zanzara - Vector Biology Laboratory

Referent: Prof. Mariangela Bonizzoni

Co-workers: Ayda Khorramnejad (RTD-A)

Urbanization, globalization and increased migration have made the vector-borne viral diseases dengue, Zika and chikungunya fever significant global public health threats. The mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the main arboviral vectors world-wide. Current research being conducted in our laboratory seeks to reduce the impact of Aedes mosquitoes on human health by studying aspects of their biology and genome structure that could be applied to innovative control strategies. We use a system biology approach applying molecular and cellular biology techniques, bioinformatics and insect manipulation depending on our research questions. We are also invested in capacity building to study mosquito biodiversity and adaptation of invasive species in Italy.