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Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory (Neurobiology)

Oncogenomica funzionale


Referent: Dr. Sergio Comincini

Development of preclinical antitumor protocols in human astrocytomas
The line of research is focused on the identification of new preclinical strategies aimed at the treatment of highly malignant astrocytic central nervous system tumors, mainly represented by glioblastoma multiforme. Despite decades of intense research, the prognosis for these tumors remains extremely dramatic and, to date, therapeutic
treatments are relatively ineffective in remitting the neoplasm. The research activity involves in particular the development and molecular and sub-cellular characterization of preclinical anti-tumor protocols through the use of newly formulated molecules capable of interfering with mitochondrial functionality which appear to accumulate more in cells derived from human brain tumors.

The research activity makes use of the main genetic-molecular analysis methodologies, cellular functionality assays, optical, fluorescence and electronic microscopy techniques, and flow cytometric analyses, using cellular and animal models.

Main collaborations:

  • Department of Clinical, Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Prof. Lorenzo Magrassi
  • Department of Pharmacology, University of Pisa, Prof. Concettina La Motta