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Translational Neuroscience and Neuropsychopharmacology Laboratory

Neuroscienze Traslazionali e Neuropsicofarmacologia



Referent: Prof. Riccardo Brambilla

The themes of our laboratory are oriented to the study of the brain mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric pathologies, with an emphasis on neurodevelopmental diseases (intellectual disability and autism) and neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases), all characterized by profound alterations in cognitive processes. Over the years, the laboratory has combined experimental pharmacogenetic therapeutic approaches to the traditional use of animal genetic models of the aforementioned pathologies, using both viral vectors and biological drugs of the "cell penetrating peptides" class, which allow to modulate the activity of brain molecular pathways essential for synaptic plasticity, memory and behavior. The ultimate aim of our activities is to develop therapeutic approaches that can be subsequently translated into clinical practice.