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Collaboration with companies

Collaborazione con l'Industria

DBB displays a strong vocation for the transfer of research results outside the academic context.

For the years 2018-2020, 50 activities with industries were carried out as scientific consultancy contracts, for a total amount of over 510,000.00 euros. Italian and international companies are pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, operating also in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical sectors.

DBB also collaborates with the industry through ad hoc training courses, such as the doctorate on digital and green innovations (PON Research and Innovation, Ministerial Decree 10 August 2021, n.1061); PhD students spend a period in the company of at least 12 months.

The DBB works in close contact with the Third Mission and Technology Transfer office of the university, main contacts Eng. Lucia Marazzi (, Dr. Francesca Sgaramella ( and Dr. Claudio Cambieri (

Main contact in DBB for collaboration activities with industries: Ms. Nadia Ferrari (