Links condivisione social

Emergency Contacts

Safety Corners
Safety Corner

In each DBB building "Safety Corners" are available: each point shows main telephone numbers to call in case of emergency (local safety officers, emergency employees, first aid and fire prevention , waste manager, radiation protection); other important information concerns: location of the D.A.E. defibrillators, contacts of the heating/air conditioning company, the elevator company, the University organization chart.

University offers the "availability service":


Servizio Telefono
Availability 1 329-1219529
Availability 2  320-7408069


The availability service can be contacted from 5pm to 8am (Monday to Thursday) and from 2pm on Friday to 8am the following Monday. The updated list of availability workers is at the this link on the University Health and Safety Service page.

Safety Corner esempio

Esempio di "Safety Corner" dislocato negli edifici del DBB.