Safety and Health: mandatory training
Before beginning experimental activities in the lab, contact the local safety officer (ALS).
All the procedures described require the use of University credentials; if it is necessary to generate a new password, refer to the dedicated University website.
You can find HERE guidelines.
Courses are delivered online (from the University's digital platform, Kiro) and, upon completion, you will be able to download the CERTIFICATES to print and keep at your workplace.
a- “GENERAL Training” course (4 hours).
b- "SPECIFIC LOW RISK Training" course (4 hours).
c- "SPECIFIC Training" course which is mandatory for students attending the laboratories of the University of Pavia; the course is also named "Who well begins... - Safety in chemical and biological laboratories".
To access the Kiro platform: LINK.
The PI must train the student on the activities carried out in his laboratory. Furthermore, emergency procedures will be illustrated.
At the end of this training the worker will receive the certificate ("Modulo di Avvenuta Formazione").
The student who works in the University laboratories must possess the SAFETY DATA SHEET. Please refer to your PI and ALS to fill the form. ALS are the following:
Biologia Animale/Farmacologia (Palazzo Golgi-Spallanzani) |
Dr.ssa B. Balestra |
Genetica |
Dr.ssa V. Grugni |
Biochimica |
Dr A. Azzalin |
Fisiologia |
Dr L. Guidotti |
Safety data sheet is a document that describes the activities that will take place in the laboratory and the risks associated with them. The presence of the safety data sheet and its correct compilation guarantees adequate monitoring of the worker's health through the health surveillance. In fact, each laboratory, in relation to its activities, presents associated risks, defined by the University Prevention and Protection Service.
The form must be filled out via the SafetyLive website, by logging in with your University credentials. However, the compilation guide is available.
The form must be closed and validated with the signatures of the interested party, the PI, the Director of the department and the ALS; the latter will send the same to the competent offices (Safety and Health Service) to start health surveillance.
If your activity is shared between multiple departments (and therefore multiple ALS) it will be necessary to involve all the employees, specifying this on the form, as well as collect the signatures of all the subjects involved.
Finally, if during your career it is necessary to introduce a new activity and therefore a new work risk, remember to alert the ALS to evaluate how to update the safety data sheet.
If the use of carcinogenic and/or mutagenic chemical agents is indicated in the safety data sheet, it will also be necessary to complete an additional data sheet: this is created during the compilation process of the safety data sheet.
This implies that the worker must complete the CANCEROGENS REGISTER (online) during his activity. Filling the register is carried out online and for compilation you can refer to the manual.
At the end of each year the register will be closed and validated, with the signatures of the interested party, the PI, the Director of the department and the ALS; the latter will send the same to the competent offices (Prevention and Protection Service) to allow health surveillance.
- Alert the ALS when your activity in the Department finishes, who will close the safety data sheet and send the report to the competent offices;
- if required, complete and close the Carcinogens Register (see point 4);
- if available, return the lab coat to the ALS.
For the purposes and effects of the art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08 the figure of the Student working in a lab is equated to a "worker". The students' training course in the field of safety and health in the workplace is managed directly by the Prevention and Protection Service in collaboration with the university structure where the student carries out the activity.
In order to acquire specific safety regulations, student must refer to the Principal Investigator (PI) who is required to adequately train the student, in relation to the activities that he will carry out and in collaboration with the Local Safety Officer (ALS).