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Plant Biology

The plant biology laboratories of the DBB carry out research on plant organisms (model plants and species of agronomic interest) in the biochemical, genetic and molecular fields; from the point of view of both basic and applied research.

Plant Biotechnology Laboratory
Lab Biotec Veg - Immagine


Referent: Prof. Anca Macovei

Co-workers: Conrado Jr. Dueñas (post-doc), Adriano Griffo (PhD student), Sri Amarnadh Gupta Tondepu (PhD student), Hisham Wazeer (PhD student), Nicola Bosco (PhD student)


“Seed Molecular Physiology” Lab
Seed Molecular Physiology


Referent: Prof. Alma Balestrazzi

Co-workers: Andrea Pagano (Research fellow Post-Doc), Paola Pagano (PhD student), Shraddha Shridhar Gaonkar (PhD student), Francesca Messina (PhD student)




Referent: Prof. Alberta Pinnola

Co-workers: Pierantonio Doto (PhD student), Ilenia Zuin (fellow)